It covers my early years as a Knucklehead Programmer which was kind of like Wolf of Wall Street minus the money, blow, and hookers.
Shawn and I do have a darned good time talking about programming in the 70s/80s (APL, big iron, life before PCs and RDMS), people who changed our lives, and what we can do to nurture the developer community.
Go subscribe to Shawn’s series so you can listen to a great cast of developer characters talk about how they got started in this game.
I wonder if Shawn will interview himself :-)
Extra links
Shawn included a few links on his page but I thought you might like a few more with my memories attached.Steve Dunwell
Steve Dunwell, the IBM Fellow, lead architect and manager on the pioneering STRETCH computer is remembered in this article, “Return of the prodigal son: the rehabilitation of Steve Dunwell”. His passion for educational computing made my introduction to computing possible at a time when “computers in the schools” was almost inconceivable.APL – A Programming Language
APL, my first programming language and my source of income for two decades. Here is Conway’s Game of Life in a single line of “write once, read never” APL:
We loved it. We owned our own 16Kb slice of an IBM/360. No overseers. No types, No compiler. Cult language. We rocked.
My first “computer” was actually an IBM/360 connected by a private telephone line and acoustic coupler to this 2741 terminal, a modified Selectric typewriter.

History of the Relational Database
I talked some about the early history of the Relational Database when it was fresh and exciting and how it had to overcome the predominate database architectures of its day (architectures we’d now categorize as “NoSQL” ). Did you know that it was invented at IBM by E.F. Codd. and that IBM suppressed it for almost a decade? Read all about it in this fascinating interview with C.J. Date. It’s a PDF. You’ll learn that Codd wrote an early relational database query language in APL (p.28) and that he hated SQL.Community Memory
I talk briefly about my time at Community Memory one of the earliest experiments in social networking.