Friday, August 20, 2010

DevForce “Blends”

We are seeing an increasing interest among developers in using Blend to design application views. I think this is great. Silverlight and WPF are great technologies for building productive business applications. But you can’t be as productive and effective as you should be if you only work in XAML. You need the tools.

And Blend 4 is an incredibly great tool. I say this even though I’m only competent to use about $1.30 of it.

All of this is preface to a forum question we received:

I’m attempting to mock data at *design* time. … Has anyone ever managed to get this to work? …Using DF to avoid creating dozens of mock repositories on a large project? Now that would be a coup!

My answer follows:

We are well on our way to making DevForce play well with Blend. Actually, we probably are THERE. But we haven't documented it well and I don't feel that I'm particularly close to anything worthy of calling a "Best Practice." Let's say I have some "ok" practices :-/

Here's visual evidence of an existence proof: yes, you truly can use a DevForce EntityManager and entities at design time:

ComboBox Sample in Blend

This example comes from my slight re-design of the "Simple ComboBox in Silverlight" sample code.

[Aside: the existing sample is on our web site now. The revised one will be released with our forthcoming "DevForce Cookbook." Look for the Cookbook to arrive within a matter of weeks.]

The original point of the sample was to demonstrate how to wire up a ComboBox to DevForce entities AND bind that ComboBox to other DevForce entities.

The previous version looked bloody awful; this one just looks bad.

However, it's beautiful for the purpose of this forum post! You can plainly see employee, "Ima", in on the Blend art board. "Ima" does not exist in the Northwind tutorial database. She's a fake Employee, ginned up in a MainPageDesignViewModel that derives from the production MainPageViewModel. The view doesn't know; it's just binding to a ViewModel (VM).

All of the fakery happens in the design VM's constructor, shown here:

    public MainPageDesignViewModel() {

EntityManager = new NorthwindManager(false);
EntityManager.DefaultQueryStrategy = QueryStrategy.CacheOnly;

var designEmp = new Employee {
EmployeeID = 1, FirstName = "Ima", LastName = "Blast", ReportsToEmployeeID = 2,
var designManagerEmp = new Employee {
EmployeeID = 2, FirstName = "Slim", LastName = "Ornun", ReportsToEmployeeID = null,


PotentialManagers = new List<Employee> { designManagerEmp };
CurrentEmployee = designEmp;
Messages.Add("We're in DesignTime now !!!");

The design version of the VM (a) creates two fake employess (Ima and her boss, Slim), (b) creates a disconnected, cache-only EntityManager (EM) - to ensure there is no attempt to talk to the database, and (c) adds the two employees to that EM. Because both fakes are in cache, DevForce can implement the navigation between Ima and Slim via the "Manager" property. I neglected to show this in the ComboBox but you can see it in the message which reads "Ima Blase whose manager is Slim Ornun".

It is only a few short hops from here to doing the cache-to-file trick that you want. In fact, I've done what you want on a different project and we'll provide a similar, smaller example in one of the Cookbook recipes .... although perhaps not in the first Cookbook edition. Trust me, it works great.

To be precise, it worked great for test runs of your application that you wanted to be fast and free of the need to talk to a database. It didn't work in Blend (although for different reasons than Jason cites).

Until DF 2010 v. 6.0.5, it simply wasn't viable to use DF entities in Cider (Visual Studio visual designer) or Blend because we required that the Desktop (aka Web aka "Full DotNet") model carry the same assembly name as the Silverlight model. No problem for the CLR but most tools, including design tools, just choked.

Using the same assembly name is no longer required. In fact, is heavily discouraged.

Now this ComboBox sample dates from 6.0.2 (I think) ... certainly before we got rid of the assembly name restriction. It did not Blend.

All I had to do was some assembly renaming plus clean and re-build. The view popped right up in Cider and Blend.

There was no data visualization though. Just a bunch of weird boxes. The XAML looked ok ... obviously it ran ok ... but it made no sense rendered in Cider or Blend.

A little dragging around was helpful but I still wanted to see sample data.

So I refactored the ViewModel to facilitate a derived, design-time version of that ViewModel and, presto, that's how I was able to get the layout you see in the image above.

[While I was at it, I replaced the button click wiring with Blend Behaviors ... and deleted the entire custom code-behind]

You can do the same things to your application, or wait for the Cookbook if you want to see the details.

As I mentioned, the cache-to-file variation is not far off. That will take some explanation, however, as there are a few places you can stumble on the way ... as you discovered. Please hang in there.

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